New GSR Orientation

Group service representatives bear great responsibility. While GSRs are
elected by and accountable to the group, they are not mere group messengers.
They are selected by their groups to serve as active members of the area service
committee. As such, they are responsible to act in the best interests of NA as a
whole, not solely as advocates of their own groups’ priorities.

For a complete description please see the Group Booklet.

Meeting in person.

Meets on the 1st Saturday of EVERY Month at 9:00AM
prior to ASC. (Note: location and exact date may vary. Please check the ASC Dates PDF for more information).


Meets on the 1st Saturday (mostly) of EVERY Month at 9:00 AM
827 W. Cleveland Ave
Spokane WA 99205


Lewiston every 3rd Month at 9:00 AM
Lewiston Community Center
Activity Room
1423 Main St.
Lewiston, ID 83501

Area Service Committee

The Area Service Committee (ASC) is
intended to focus on the Service issues and
does most of the work in NA that could distract
the Groups from focusing on their Primary
Purpose: carrying the message to the addict that
still suffers.

Attendance at the ASC is open to all interested. NA members and each NA Group are encouraged to send their Group Service Representatives (GSR).

Meets on the 1st Saturday of EVERY Month at 9:30AM and 3 times a year in Lewiston starting in March

After the GSR Orientation. (Note: location and exact date may vary. Please check the ASC Dates PDF for more information)

 ASC Dates 2024


Meets on the 1st Saturday (mostly) of EVERY Month at 9:00 AM
827 W. Cleveland Ave
Spokane WA 99205


The Activities Subcommittee organizes dances, potlucks, camp-outs, volleyball, bowling and BBQ’s. Activities like these help to provide a greater sense of unity for the Northeast Washington Area NA Fellowship.

Attendance at Activities is open to all interested NA members.
We would love ideas for new kinds of events!

Meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday at 5:00 PM
303 W. 2nd Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201

Public Relations Committee (PRC)

The purpose of the Public Relations Committee (PRC) is to serve NA groups and the community at large in the Northeastern Washington Area to ensure that the message of recovery reaches all those who might benefit. The PRC Subcommittee accomplishes this by coordinating Helpline, Hospitals & Institutions, and Public Information services in the spirit of unity to maximize our ability to fulfill our primary purpose.

Attendance at Public Relations Committee is open to all interested NA members

Orientation starts at 11am and PRC starts at 11:30am

Meets on the Last Saturday before ASC of EVERY Month at 11:00 AM
1700 W 7th Ave, Spokane, WA, 99204

Fundraising Sub-Committee (FSC)

Puts on the 3 main fundraisers in the Northeast Washington Area: Spiritual Breakfast, Murder Mystery Dinner and PRC Fundraiser.

The fundraising Sub-committee will be meeting in person on the Second and Fourth Sunday of each month at 5:30pm until further notice.  The meeting will take place at 303 W 2nd Ave, Spokane, WA, 99201

Learning Days Committee Meeting

Learning Days Committee Meeting.

 Learning Days Ad-Hok Committee meetings will start after Area beginning in December.